Google Data Studio example
View a live dashboard (with fake data) here:
Why use Google Data Studio?
Many companies wonder how much they have spent on their online campaigns and what the result is. This data is now spread across many different places (Analytics, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.). With Google Data Studio you bring all these sources together in one place.
With Google Data Studio you get a total picture of the revenues and save time. Many organizations still make reports in Excel, because it is in different sources. You can make these spreadsheets a thing of the past.
Data Studio is free, which is nice because there are many dashboard tools (like Klipfolio or Power BI ) that cost money.
If you are used to Google tools, Google Data Studio is also easy to set up.
In Data Studio you have a private link that you can share to make the dashboard available without login. There is also a possibility to create a version with login.
How to create a dashboard in Google Data Studio?
During the session, Pascal Selles gives the tip to use a customer journey model when mapping the data. This customer journey is different for every organization. It is important to map this before creating a dashboard. Involve various functions in this to determine KPIs together and thus also create support for the marketing activities.
See: Getting to know the organization. KPIs: impressions, reach, clicks, click-through rate, website visitors.
Think: People orient themselves on products/services. KPIs: followers, interaction, video watched, newsletter subscription and overview pages.
Do: Take action (make a purchase). KPIs: russian phone number list leads, sales, turnover, satisfaction, store visits.
How do you get social metrics into Google Data Studio?
When you set up Google Data Studio, you can easily integrate data from Google services such as Analytics, AdWords, Search Console, Spreadsheets and YouTube. The challenge is integrating the social media channels. In addition, the cost data is in the advertising platforms. There are various methods for integrating.

Method 1: You manually enter the data into Google Spreadsheets (Google's Excel variant) and then import it into Google Data Studio.
Method 2 (preferred): You import the cost data into Google Analytics, so that you can easily report it in the Google Data Studio dashboard. You can manually import this cost data into Google Analytics, but you can also automate this with a tool from Supermetrics , for example . This allows you to link data from Facebook Insights, Instagram and LinkedIn to your dashboard. In addition, Supermetrics has an uploader that allows you to automatically import cost data into Google Analytics. This data is then automatically displayed in your Google Data Studio.
The Supermetrics tool was shown during the session, but of course there are more tools like , Power My Analytics or you can create your own using the Google Data Studio API (only recommended if you can code or hire someone to do it for yo.