but click on “Next”. A. First, you have to copy the title of the philippines phone number whatsapp article into the “Title / Short Description” field. VG Wort report, deadline, information on tracking pixels & estimated revenue To do this, however, you first have to find your own article in which you have integrated the relevant tracking pixel. Some people keep Excel tables in which they have written the URL of the respective article behind the tracking pixel used for it. You can also simply copy the “Public Identification Code” of the tracking pixel and search for it in the WordPress admin (or another CMS) in the published articles,

because it is part of the built-in pixel image. Some also use WordPress plugins that simplify the installation of tracking pixels and reporting. B. Then click on continue and after you have indicated whether it is a poem or not, you have to copy the complete text (without HTML tags) into the “Text” field. VG Wort report, deadline, information on tracking pixels & estimated revenue C. Finally, you have to name the authors of the article, which is usually yourself.