This means that only the tracking pixels

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This means that only the tracking pixels

Post by ariful199 »

However, sales tax is still charged on the administrative costs of VG Wort, which you as a business owner can deduct as input tax in your own sales tax return. Detailed information on this can be found in this article . In my case, VG Wort paid me a good 14,000 euros last year. I described how it looked in my board game blog here . Step by Step – VG Wort Report Here are some instructions for anyone who is making a VG Wort report for the first time. (I have already explained in detail in this article how to register with VG Wort and how to install the tracking pixels .

First, go to . This is the VG Wort kuwait country code whatsapp subpage for “reporting texts online” and is the contact point for bloggers and website operators. (The interface was modernized in 2021 and now works a little more smoothly.) There you click on “Log in” and log in to VG Wort using your access data. Of course, you must have registered and been activated beforehand. Now click on “METIS area” on the left and then on the sub-item “Counters > Research counters”. You will now see a form where you can select which tracking pixels should be displayed.


For “Notification completed:” you leave the setting as is and just select “No”. For “Counting started:” you just select “Yes”. (The latter simply means that only the tracking pixels that have already been integrated into articles and for which there are statistics are displayed.) Under “Minimum access:” you only check the box “Reached”. This means that only the tracking pixels (also called tracking tags) that had at least 1,500 hits in the past year will be displayed. Under “Accesses in the year” you only select the last year for which you want to create the report.
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