How do you know which are the best pages to capture subscribers?

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How do you know which are the best pages to capture subscribers?

Post by Abdur12 »

Before you start capturing subscribers, you need to have complete control over your actions. The easiest way is to set up goals in Google Analytics.

Carlos Bravo5
I recently launched the first post in a new series on how to get subscribers for your blog . Right now I'm going to take the step of implementing some improvements to my blog to increase the rate of daily subscribers.

Setting up AnalyticsPhoto rights by Fotolia

Contents [ disguise ]

1 The basis for attracting subscribers to your blog
2 The best pages to capture subscribers and how to identify them
2.1 Setting up your Google Analytics to know your high-converting pages
2.2 How to analyze subscription results within Google Analytics
The basis for attracting subscribers to your blog
I'm currently starting from a relatively low base considering the japan phone number list free traffic the blog has (3-7 subscribers with about 2,000-3,000 visits per day). This is obviously very improvable but I've been putting it off until now. I'll summarize and remind you of what you need to get subscribers.

Visits to your blog : this is obvious, but there are beginners who don't realize that this is a numbers game. With less than 100 visits to your blog, you can't do magic and possible improvements won't be appreciated due to lack of data. From 500-1,000 visits onwards, you get more reliable results when testing.
Hook content : People don't just sign up for free. You need some kind of hook content to encourage people to sign up for your subscription list. What usually works very well and is relatively inexpensive to create is exclusive content in the form of an e-book, podcast, webinar, video, etc.
Email marketing tool : I wrote about the email marketing tools I use in my projects a while ago . One of the most important criteria is the existence of APIs so I can integrate it with other tools like Leadpages and Twitter Cards that helps me automate marketing tasks to save time.
Form Builder Tool: I recently discovered a new toy. This is an amazing plugin for capturing new subscribers. I am more than happy with it and will continue to investigate it thoroughly. When I have more data, I will tell you about how it works and what has given me the best results.
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