Turn your blog into a digital asset worth thousands of euros

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Turn your blog into a digital asset worth thousands of euros

Post by Abdur12 »

A blog can become more than just a hobby. Many try, but few actually manage to turn their blog into a valuable digital asset.

Carlos Bravo11
Creating a blog is easy compared to the cost of adding value to it. When you start from scratch, setting up a blogging platform already seems like a milestone, but in reality it is only the beginning of a long journey. The destination that is not marked on any map is the creation of a digital asset that is worth thousands of euros and/or allows you to generate additional income, which is always welcome.

Increasing the value of a blogPhoto rights by Fotolia

As in many other cases, the plan sounds great but the implementation is a privilege reserved for a select club of bloggers who are willing to pay the price . Nobody gives you anything for free. Everything has to japan whatsapp number list be worked for with blood, sweat and tears. Effort is an essential ingredient but that is something you had already anticipated if you know how to apply common sense. Almost all types of blogs have the potential to generate income but only a certain type is saleable.

What types of blogs are sellable and who buys them?
When we talk about turning a blog into a digital asset worth thousands of euros, the idea is to have the possibility of offering it to a potential buyer and, with a bit of luck, being able to sell it. Potential buyers can be divided into 3 groups:

Resellers : other bloggers who, after tuning their blog a bit, resell it to a third party, making a profit from the buying and selling.
SEOs : web positioning professionals who buy a blog to position their own or clients' web pages.
Webmasters - There are thousands of people who make a living from websites. Potential buyers also include other webmasters who are making investments to expand their portfolio of websites.
Businesses : Existing businesses or brands hoping to gain customers or do better content marketing with the investment.
Each group gives a different weight to the criteria for evaluating a blog. Companies are potentially the ones that would be willing to pay the highest price. Resellers are the ones that would be willing to offer you the least because they have to make a profit from reselling.
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