Stimulate behavior, create interactive video

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Stimulate behavior, create interactive video

Post by arzina998 »

You can also adjust the measurement of your success to this. At Appie Today they have their own metric for this, the Appie View. Every viewer who stays for at least 30 seconds is counted. And that across all channels. It provides a handy figure that you can easily compare.

If you have a more complex message to convey or expect a specific action, consider an interactive video. The viewer follows a path through various videos, which are only played after clicking on the previous video. Or you can keep it simple: at the end of a video you lead the viewer to one or more actions.

An example: Lidl (Belgium) makes a video in which you see how to make yoghurt ice cream step by step. At the end, the viewer is given the choice: view more recipes? Or would you rather email the recipe to yourself? This way, you keep the viewer with your brand and make it even easier for him to try the recipe right away.

Are you going to make an interactive video yourself? Make it easy for yourself and write a script in advance in Jip & Janneke language. Then you make a storyboard, in which you sketch all the 'scenes'. For an interactive series of videos as described above, you need a (paid) tool. Lidl works with Blue Billywig , a partner of the Online Video Event.

Who is this millennial anyway?
But wait a minute: who exactly are these hong kong mailing database millennials? We are talking about people who were born between 1980 and 2000 , so now approximately between 17 and 37 years old. In recent months, this group has been talked about negatively. They are said to be lazy and spoiled and have endless choice. Auke Kok's column for NRC is an example of this: 'Hard work, status, oh well, he'll grab a Car2Go and zoom to his overpriced room from Nestpick, waiting for a house that his parents will arrange for him.'

Spoiled or not, the mountain of choices and possibilities causes millennials stress. In addition, they are averse to communication and advertising, notes Bob ten Berge of RTL. But of course that does not apply to the entire generation. Monique Bergers, editor-in-chief of Appie Today at Albert Heijn, thinks millennials are too large a target group: "You'd better look at media behavior. We focus on the younger media consumer who watches little television and a lot of YouTube." An entire generation is therefore not always the best target group for your campaign or video.

“Stop ramming,” Jonas Braun of Lidl hits the nail on the head. Meaningful online video is essential to flip the imaginary switch with your audience. Especially with millennials, it is one of the few ways to make an impression.

The Online Video Event provided plenty of inspiration! What are you doing to make an impact with online video.
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