7 surprises you'll get when you launch a blog

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7 surprises you'll get when you launch a blog

Post by Abdur12 »

There are many fears when it comes to launching a blog. Most of them are unjustified but they stop many people from becoming bloggers. Here are 7 surprises you will get when you launch a blog.

Carlos Bravo13
I admit that the idea of ​​exposing yourself to the world through a personal blog can be a bit scary . I still get nervous when I publish a new post because I can't anticipate the reaction of readers. In most cases I end up surprised and things happen that I didn't expect at the beginning. Here are 7 surprises you'll get when you start blogging:

Surprises when you start a blog

1. There are people who will read your posts : and there will be even more of them over time. At first it will be one or two and maybe they will be your friends or family, but the mass of readers will grow.

2. You will receive positive feedback : The fact that you journalists email list have taken the plunge and dared to write a blog already makes you stand out from the crowd. Most people who visit your blog will appreciate it.

3. You won't run out of ideas : You may not be entirely clear about what you want to write about at first, and you only have two or three drafts ready. Each new post will inspire you for new content in the future.

4. You don't have to be a good writer : I think I'm a good example. Because of a lack of proofreading, I publish many posts with spelling mistakes and a style that could be improved (which I don't recommend). The latter is also related to my German-Spanish origins. Despite this, I receive an average of 100 retweets per article.

5. Writing can be therapy : for me it is. Sometimes reflecting on a problem in a post is the first step to solving it. You will feel better when you write it down in your blog.

6. Basic articles work best : Remember that most people who read a blog are not experts on the topic. If you focus your posts on a beginner target audience, you will have a better reception due to the size of the potential audience.

7. Your number of followers will increase : Whether you have a Facebook page or a Twitter account, you will continue to grow your fan base. With time and consistency, your visibility will increase. The simple act of creating quality content will create positive expectations about the posts you publish in the future that no one wants to miss.
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