The Differences Between Editorial Plan and Editorial Calendar
The editorial plan tells us what and how to do , while the editorial calendar helps us understand when and where to do it .
In the editorial plan we understand that a certain macro-category of content can interest a specific target and we understand the tone of voice with which to communicate it; the editorial calendar tells us when that macro-category must come out and on which platform.
The editorial plan is the translation ecuador phone number example of the marketing strategy into actions, it is the overall vision of a marketing strategy . The editorial calendar is instead the operational translation of the editorial plan.
Another difference between the editorial plan and the editorial calendar is that the editorial plan develops over a medium-long term period, while the editorial calendar develops over the short term. And this is because some types of content could vary while the editorial plan strategy is still operational.
The editorial calendar allows us to periodically carry out the analysis and optimization of the editorial plan . This action is often underestimated but in reality it is fundamental to obtain results and achieve the objectives.
All the actions and objectives that we have studied and analyzed in the editorial plan will be translated into operations. And the operations, in this case, are the publication of content on the various platforms.
The editorial calendar is the document that tells us on which platform we will publish , the date on which we will publish, the time at which we will publish, the copy that we will use and the objectives to be achieved, for each individual content.