Attracting new clients : You can have the best product, the best service, the best professional team… You can have everything to succeed, but if you don’t have clients… there is no business! Attracting new clients is probably the issue that takes up the most hours of work (and sleep) from business owners. A pending subject for many managers that they fail to overcome because they do not have the necessary professional advice. Until now!
You have just found a team specialised in attracting new clients that will help you to definitely boost your business. Do you want to take your business talent further? Reach your real target audience ? Convert interest into sales? At Uzink, with our own methodology, we have achieved positive results with 100% of our clients . With our support, more than a hundred companies have managed to pass, with flying colours, the major pending subject of their company: getting more and better clients.
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Find out where you are failing to attract new customers
Customers don't come by themselves. You can sell cold water in the middle of the desert or umbrellas in the middle of the Amazon. If you're not targeting the right audience, in the right way and at the korea phone number right time, you'll be in the world's best sports car, out of fuel, 100 kilometers from a gas station.
Does your company have a defined commercial strategy?
Do you have an action plan for attracting new customers?
Do you really know your target audience? And the markets you are operating in?
Have you developed marketing actions on an ongoing basis?
Have the channels used been the appropriate ones?
Segmentation for success in attracting new customers. Why does the Uzink methodology work?
Many people consider attracting new customers to be an art or a gift that only a privileged few possess. However, at Uzink we have managed to define our own methodology for attracting new customers that has worked successfully in traditional and online companies, from different sectors of activity and with a presence in different markets. How do we do it?
We identify the main value propositions. We look for the most valued aspects of your company to differentiate yourself and avoid having to enter into a price war.
We uncover market desires. We carry out a study to find out if your products and services meet the real needs of the market and we provide the necessary modifications to achieve this.
We put your company in the right place. We work on segmentation, establish psychological and sociodemographic profiles and create direct marketing channels for your client.
We design, execute and assess the most appropriate strategy. We create a strategy to respond in the medium and long term, including the necessary measurement tools to know what works, what needs to be corrected and what new opportunities are being created.
The only thing you need to create an outstanding company…
At Uzink we believe that it is better to leave the art to painters and the acquisition of new clients to specialists. Because just as you entrust financial or human resources management to specialized companies, the time has come to entrust the acquisition of new clients to expert professionals.
Acquiring new customers, according to Uzink .
Attracting new customers is one of the most common problems for companies in the 21st century. And this is something strange, since there has never been so much information or so much ease in reaching the desired customers, thanks especially to technology and the ease of accessing information. The difficulty in attracting new customers can be due to multiple reasons:
Lack of strategy : The company does not have a clear identity, competitive capabilities or differentiating values. Generally, these are unprofessional companies that have emerged from a specific opportunity.
Lack of marketing and sales actions : The company has a clear positioning, but lacks the vision or resources to carry out marketing actions on an ongoing basis.
Lack of perseverance in the actions mentioned above: The company has carried out specific marketing actions, but they abandoned them due to lack of resources or lack of short-term returns.
Targeting the wrong audience: The company tries to compete in saturated markets without a specific and differentiated strategy, or tries to sell a product for an unrealistic need for the defined audience.
Incorrect orientation of marketing tactics with respect to the target audience: Generally due to a lack of knowledge, the company tries to reach the target audience through incorrect channels, wasting time and money on it.