A few days ago we published a sister article to this one in which we informed you about the subsidies available for self-employed workers . Now we intend to discuss other types of aid, with different formats, but similar objectives, promoting self-employment and the creation of companies.
Types of aid for self-employed workers
When we talk about aid, we are referring to a set of measures that can encourage you to take the step and register as a self-employed worker and start offering your services or selling your products. The key is that they are not going to make the process of starting to work and contacting clients, suppliers and being operational any easier, but they do make the path easier for you in terms of managing your business. We are going to break down how to pay less social security contributions and other benefits that encourage self-employment.
Reductions and bonuses to social security
One of the main expenses involved in working as a self-employed person is the payment of social security, so one of the main incentives for starting an activity is to reduce this amount to a minimum, especially at the beginning, when income has not stabilized. In this sense, there are several cases of application of bonuses:
Workers who register for the first time in the RETA or who have not been registered in the previous two years .
If they opt for the minimum contribution base, they will only pay 60 euros for the first 12 months. If they opt for a higher base, the reduction will be 80% of the contribution for those 12 months. After the first year, the bonus will be 50% of the contribution for 6 months, and the following 6 months the reduction will be 30%.
Workers under 30 years of age or women under 35 years of age who are registered with RETA or have not been registered in the previous two years.
In addition to the reductions provided for in the previous section, if the age requirements are met, an additional bonus equivalent to 30% of the common contingency rate will be obtained for the following 12 months, up to a maximum duration of 36 months.
Workers with a disability level equal to or greater than 33% or victims of terrorism or gender violence who are registered with RETA or have not been registered in the previous two years.
They will be entitled to a single fee of 60 euros per month, for both common and professional contingencies, for 12 months.
If they choose a contribution base higher than the minimum, the reduction will be equivalent to 80% of the contribution (including temporary disability), for the first 12 months. After this first period, they will be entitled to a 50% reduction in the contribution for common contingencies, including temporary disability, for 48 months, up to a maximum period of 5 years from the date of registration.
self-employed person processing social security contributions
Benefits for entrepreneurs and self-employed workers
The moment when a professional or business activity begins is very unstable in terms of income flows. Normally, one begins to work, but the payment period does not coincide with the usual payroll period. It is usually longer and in many cases amounts must be paid in advance, not only for the beginning of the activity, but also for the payment of fees and taxes.
To alleviate this situation, the administration offers two ways to encourage self-employment and maintain certain levels of funding from the state public employment service:
Making receiving unemployment benefits compatible with being self-employed
If the worker is receiving unemployment benefits and registers as a self-employed worker, he or she can continue receiving the amount that corresponds to him or her while he or she is working for himself or herself for a maximum of 270 days (or during the remaining period to which he or she is entitled if he or she is younger). The condition is that he or she must apply within a period that cannot be extended: 15 days from the date of registration in the RETA.
By choosing this option, there is no room for reductions in the social security contribution and the amount received will be 100% of your benefit, with the corresponding deduction on personal income tax.
If new labour companies or worker cooperatives are created, their partners will also have the right to this compatibility.
Access to documentation requesting this situation.
Capitalize unemployment benefit
This is the possibility offered by social security to collect in a single payment the amounts pending receipt of unemployment benefits. This measure seeks to promote initiatives aimed at self-employment.
Beneficiaries may be:
Working partners in work cooperatives or labour companies, who join them on a permanent basis.
Develop a professional activity as self-employed persons. Self-employed persons who are economically dependent will be excluded .
The requirements that must be met to receive the single payment of the benefit will be:
Have at least three months of the benefit pending collection.
Not having received the single payment in the previous four years
Start the activity in the month following the request for the single payment
Not having been able to combine self-employment with receiving benefits during the previous 24 months.
Having passed the probationary period in the case of cooperative members.
Not having pending cases before the social jurisdiction, regarding the termination of the employment relationship that gives right to the benefit.
Access to capitalization application documentation.
Bonuses for conciliation
The conciliation bonus means a saving of 100% of the self-employed fee for common contingencies for 12 months.
It applies in the case of caring for children under 12 years of age or having a dependent relative in their care (by blood or up to the second degree of affinity). It also applies in cases of mental disability greater than 33% or physical disability greater than 65% (provided that the relative does not have paid work).
The requirements to access the bonus are based on hiring a worker (maintaining this contract throughout the period in which the bonus is enjoyed) and remaining registered in the special social security regime for self-employed workers.
The self-employed contractor must remain registered for six months following the period of enjoyment of the bonus.
Indefinite family contract for self-employed workers
This bonus is based on the self-employed person hiring a worker and that landline numbers list the worker is: Spouse, ascendant, descendant or other relative by blood or affinity up to the second degree of the contractor. The hired family member must be unemployed and registered with the SEPE and the contract must be signed for an indefinite period.
The incentive involves a 100% bonus on the company's contribution for common contingencies, for a period of 12 months.
There are other requirements associated with the self-employed worker, related to maintaining the level of employment or termination of previous contracts. Check them on the Sepe website dedicated to this bonus for hiring a family member.
If we talk about training in the field of self-employment, we must do so from several perspectives:
Scheduled Training
If we talk about scheduled training (also called subsidized training), the self-employed person is not entitled to it, but his or her employees are. Social security helps train the staff hired by self-employed workers by subsidizing the cost of the courses given to the staff in the social security contributions. This type of training can be organized by the self-employed person themselves or outsourced to be managed by a specialized company, such as Grupo Femxa.
Vocational training system for employment
In this case we are referring to subsidized training that any worker, whether employed or unemployed, can request in order to develop professionally and improve their employability and promotion at work.
In this case, the training is carried out on a personal basis by the worker and the self-employed person, as an employer, does not intervene. It is the Foundation for training in employment and the entities that provide it that organize and disseminate this training offer based on the principles and purposes of the VET system .
As a worker, the self-employed person can receive training for employment, as there are training plans adapted to their profile and needs. At Cursos Femxa we have a selection of specific courses for the self-employed person. We encourage you to consult our specialized website and improve your knowledge in online courses…