How to Develop and Implement KPIs for Employees

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How to Develop and Implement KPIs for Employees

Post by Reddi2 »

It is important to correctly organize work with indicators, since the effectiveness of KPI depends on it. A complete strategy is developed individually for each company and depends on the business area, main goals, and already established work processes. However, there is a general algorithm of actions that can be used as a guide.

Set goals. It is important to understand why the company has a KPI system - to motivate employees, create a marketing strategy and analyze its effectiveness. There may be many goals, but it is worth highlighting the most priority ones.
Select metrics to track, set goals for KPI . For example, at least 500 applications and 200 sales per month. For each department, it is worth defining no more than 10 indicators, otherwise employees will spend more time on planning and reporting than on the actual work.
Build a motivation system - what bonuses will employees receive for achieving targets, will there be penalties for failure to achieve planned results.
Determine how the indicators will be tracked . For example, the targeting specialist's KPI can be analyzed using statistics in the advertising account, and a CRM system must be implemented for sales managers.
Develop regulations - record the necessary indicators and analytical methods in documents.
Train employees to work according to the new system.
Pros and cons of the KPI system
Many companies work according to KPI, as this system has several important advantages that lead to increased efficiency and profit.

What can a KPI system do?

Assess the company's performance as a whole, as well as the results of each department and individual employee. Identify weaknesses and eliminate them.
Optimize product range, plan production capacity and deliveries based on demand to rationally allocate money and other resources.
Analyze promotion strategies and adjust them based why would you choose our database on performance indicators to increase sales.
Motivate employees: as a rule, employees perform tasks better when their salary directly depends on the result. At the same time, each specialist sees his contribution to the company's success.
But KPIs also have some specific features that make this method not suitable for everyone.

Some employees do not directly influence the company's results, so motivation based on KPI will be ineffective for them. This applies to accountants, secretaries, programmers, as well as creative specialists - for example, designers.
Reporting and planning based on indicators takes up a significant portion of working time.
Why KPIs are needed and how to implement them - briefly
Key performance indicators help track demand for goods and services, analyze work processes and their results, define company goals and motivate employees.

To make KPIs a useful tool rather than just adding reporting tasks, it is important to develop a sound strategy for their implementation. It is necessary to define the objectives of the indicators, select key metrics and think about how to track them.
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