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benefits to any solar energy company

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:15 am
by thouhidul32
CRM or ERP? Learn the differences between the two tools and find out which one to choose.

Both tools bring many, but if it is currently impossible to philippine number for whatsapp have both, which would be better: CRM or ERP?

The acronym CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and consists of a system for managing customer relationships and sales, sales volume and revenue.


ERP corresponds to Enterprise Resource Planning and is based on computerized solutions for the management of organizational processes, especially financial processes, such as financial management, accounts payable, commissions and issuing of invoices.

Still, there are people who confuse the two solutions, looking for the characteristics of one in the other.

That’s why we’ve created this content today to help you understand the differences between CRM and ERP and when to choose each tool. Keep reading!

Understand what a CRM is
The first step to understanding the difference between CRM and ERP is to have a good understanding of both concepts.

CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management , or customer relationship management in Portuguese.

Therefore, CRM is software that focuses on facilitating contact with potential customers, allowing you to monitor ongoing negotiations in one place.

The tool keeps a record of each contact’s interactions with the company. This benefits the work of solar plant salespeople, who can present more personalized and persuasive approaches based on each customer’s interests and needs.

What are the benefits of using a CRM?
CRM tools gain prominence in an environment where solar energy customers demand quality service throughout the purchasing process.

Understand in detail the benefits of CRM:

Control of the sales process: with a CRM, the company can organize and control the sales process in one place, monitoring the sales funnel in real time. This allows you to know which stage each negotiation is at so that you can direct your efforts.
Organized data: Companies that use spreadsheets to track ongoing negotiations are prone to errors and forgetfulness. After all, after each call, they have to remember to write down everything that was said. The problem is that these data gaps can result in lost sales. With CRM, on the other hand, information such as interaction history and reasons for losses are gathered together. This also makes it easier to continue working when a salesperson leaves the company.
Integration: The best CRMs on the market allow you to integrate several tools, such as email, calendar and Marketing Automation platform. This means that the salesperson doesn’t need to waste time switching between different platforms. The result is better and faster sales.
Focus on customers: With data recorded and organized, salespeople can focus on what matters most: customers. They can personalize approaches, anticipate needs, make offers at the right time, and offer personalized service. The result is loyal customers.
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And what is ERP?
ERP is the acronym in English for Enterprise Resource Planning , that is, planning of company resources.

The ERP platform has a wide range of applications: it is used for the general management of a solar energy company, integrating data from various areas such as human resources, finance and accounting. Another feature of the ERP is the fact that it can be contracted in modules.

The idea is that the company's information flow is connected so that these areas can receive information from each other at the same time. This way, less effort is required to share data.

As the name of the tool suggests, the objective is to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of the company's processes.

What are the advantages of using an ERP?
Some solar companies are slow to adopt this tool because they know the initial cost is high. However, long-term investment recovery needs to be considered, and the platform brings resource savings and improved efficiency.

Understand in more detail the benefits of using an ERP:

Integrated areas: it is common for companies to have departments that work separately, without communicating with each other. The problem is that this leads to rework, with two different areas needing to search for the same data, for example. This is where ERP comes in, which makes it possible to integrate and distribute this information to all interested parties. With this, the company standardizes processes, reduces bottlenecks and gains agility.
Cost reduction: the rework mentioned in the previous item can represent high costs for the company. Resources such as employee time and materials need to be well used. Otherwise, the business will feel the impact on its cash flow. In this sense, ERP allows you to work more efficiently, automating repetitive tasks and producing more with lower costs.
Productivity gains: with the process optimization brought about by ERP, the team also gains more productivity. Searching for data from other sectors, formatting reports and other actions, previously manual, are automated by the tool, and employees have more free time to focus on tasks that are more strategic for the business.
Data-driven decisions: ERP provides reports that allow decisions to be made based more on numbers than on guesswork. This also helps the team to monitor what is being done and avoid fragmented actions that have little to do with the business objectives.
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After all, CRM or ERP? Do I need to choose one?
Now you know the concepts, features and advantages of CRM and ERP.

As you can see, these platforms serve very different purposes. While CRM is designed to improve customer relationships, ERP focuses on optimizing a company’s operational processes.