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Opportunity to promote new products

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:10 am
by Suraihanseo320
2.- Remember values ​​and commitments
Restaurant email marketing: remembering values ​​and commitments

Email marketing should not be seen as an opportunity to bombard users with direct messages inviting them to return to the restaurant. Beyond the drinks, restaurant email marketing has the opportunity to promote the company itself, its values, initiatives, concerns and, why not, its passions.

Simon Sinek explains in his Ted Talk that “ people don’t buy what you make, philippines phone directory search they buy why you make it .” And today, cooking is breaking down the barriers between diners and chefs, between plates of food and experience.

Beyond what is eaten, restaurants convey the idea of ​​how the dish has been prepared. And that is where restaurant email marketing comes in. The restaurant has the opportunity to convey its own philosophy to users, and thus create a community and not a clientele.

Restaurant email marketing: promoting newsThrough restaurant email marketing, you have the opportunity to offer exclusive products or services to customers who are part of your database. In this way, the company retains users.


Offers and discounts are a good incentive to retain customers and keep them from forgetting the company. In this way, the restaurant maintains a constant relationship with customers in order to be able to offer them a service again.

This can offer a discount just for being them, notify them of news and offers, give them a gift for their birthday or remind them of their favorite dishes, among other services. This way, they get users to come back to them.

On the other hand, restaurant email marketing is an opportunity to promote events or new features of the restaurant. A customer may have been satisfied with the service but does not know when to come back. Restaurant email marketing is about notifying them of the latest news, thus encouraging them to come back.

4.- Promote branding
Restaurant email marketing: promoting brandingEmail marketing allows you to maintain daily, weekly or periodic contact with users. In this way, the brand remains in the subconscious of the person who receives the email.

Email marketing helps consumers remember brands, especially because brands are present in their customers' emails from time to time.