Can I use any mobile phone with Movistar roaming?
Not all phones work in all countries , because they only use frequencies used by European mobile operators with certain frequency bands. It is possible that in some countries in North America, Japan or China your phone will not work , regardless of whether you use roaming or a Holafly data eSIM. That is why it is good to make sure beforehand.
Yes, when travelling to a country romania gambling data belonging to the European Union you will be able to enjoy free roaming with Movistar Spain.
How much do I get charged for calling a Movistar number abroad in roaming?
If you are in Spain and decide to call a contact who is abroad with Movistar roaming service, you will be charged the same as making a local call.
How will travelers connect to the Internet in 2024?
Internet for digital travelers. Find here the options that will be trending to connect while traveling in 2024
In a hyper-connected world, the search for alternatives that help improve the internet connection for digital travelers anywhere is increasingly relevant . Especially when it comes to ensuring access to their favorite applications and those that allow them to work, make reservations, plan trips, translate a language or locate themselves geographically to reach any destination.