Working out loud in the digital workplace

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Working out loud in the digital workplace

Post by arzina998 »

Instead of 'big bang', it is better to work on improvements step by step. This way you keep it manageable and you can concentrate better on what needs to be done. By optimizing the DWO step by step, there is also more time to measure well, to coordinate the results with the target group, to think carefully about further improvements and to communicate the success.

Also read: The digital workplace does not exist: 5 tips for change
Step by step, process by process
Everything in an organization is based on a process. A process is a series of activities with an intended outcome. Organizations want to achieve their goals as efficiently as possible: at the lowest possible cost, at the highest possible speed and with maximum value for the customer. That is why they work according to processes.

An optimal digital working environment supports employees in process-oriented work, making every DWO an essential instrument in the organization.

My advice is therefore to link the improvement of the DWO to improvements of the processes in the organization. In this way you connect every improvement to something that has a visible value for everyone in the organization. And it helps to get changes done, because who is against a better process?

Continuously optimize the digital work environment
By consistently improving the employee experience over periods of six to nine months and communicating success, your team becomes a lean mean process optimisation machine that makes a real difference for the organisation. In doing so, you make an essential contribution to the digital transformation that so many organisations are consciously and unconsciously working on.

You will see that thinking in processes, employee experience and value for the employee will be more effective than launching a new intranet with a new tool and a new design. This new approach guarantees attention from management, involvement of employees and emphasizes the added value of you and your team.

Without an online network, the digital workplace is lost. Everyone within the organization will continue to work on solutions on their own islands, without benefiting from what is already there. Important lessons and information get lost because no one shares them with each other. How can a social platform provide the shared context that is crucial for any digital workplace?

The organization of the future is one that greece phone number example can innovate quickly. A prerequisite for this is an open culture in which much experimentation takes place. An important skill that employees must acquire for this is working out loud . Jane Bozarth, author of the book ' Show your work ' and John Stepper are two advocates of this method of working.

It comes down to doing your work much more in the open. No longer waiting until you have something worth sharing with the rest of the company, but sharing your ideas, proposals, plans at an early stage. Everyone benefits from that. The individual benefits from the feedback he receives. The organization benefits from recording work processes, context and the faster way of catching errors.

No longer waiting until you have something worth sharing with the rest of the company, but sharing your ideas, proposals, plans at an early stage. Everyone benefits from that.

A social intranet is ideal for working out loud. Employees can, among other things, record their ideas in a (regularly published) blog. Writing them down already ensures order in thoughts. The feedback that employees subsequently provide in the reactions helps even further in fine-tuning the vision. A central user feed makes it possible for employees to ask each other questions. Because everyone has access to that feed, the chance of a quick and valuable answer is great.
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