I'm going back to a classic topic on this blog. How to come up with new ideas to write new posts every day. This is my way of doing it.
Carlos Bravo0
I almost feel a little guilty for bringing up this topic so often. The good thing is that in more than 10 years it is not surprising that from time to time the topics are repeated. On this occasion I even remember having touched on it at least once. In other cases I am not so lucky.
I think it's worth dedicating another post to it because japan mobile phone number things change and evolve. If you've only recently started reading this blog, you may be seeing this type of content for the first time. So without further ado, let's look at the topic.
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1 Do not publish, it is not an option
2 Settling for imperfection
3 Reflect on things
4 Do
Not publishing is not an option
What I have heard on more than one occasion is that people say they are not able to publish with a high frequency for the following reasons: lack of creativity and time. It is clear that both reasons are nothing more than excuses. In the end it all comes down to priorities.
For me personally, publishing is a priority. It is part of my well-being, my daily routine and therefore my lifestyle. It is a pillar that gives me stability. If not publishing is not an option, something will come of it.
Settling for imperfection
If you always strive for perfection in everything you do, you will never get anywhere. Even one wrong step allows you to move forward. The same can be applied to publishing not-so-good content. It allows you to improve from there. It is the fear of being criticized that holds many people back. Criticism is part of a growth process. No one likes to hear what they are doing wrong and many therefore react defensively. If you learn to understand the value behind constructive criticism, you will also see that being imperfect is not a step backwards but rather the opposite.