People still go to a store to buy something they researched online. 69 percent of consumers research online and then buy the product in a physical store . Recommendations from people they know are also very valuable. People are used to checking online reviews before making a purchase, but they tend to take a recommendation from someone they know more seriously .
Want to boost word-of-mouth? Invest in customer relations, customer service, and events to achieve this. A personal touch or personal meeting has more effect than an article, online campaign, or email conversation. Make sure your efforts online and offline are meant to connect with your target audience.
Wouldn't it be great if you knew during heavy construction industry email list the creation process of marketing expressions how strong a concept will score in practice? And why? In this article I explain how you can work towards a fact-based development process, resulting in happy consumers and more conversion. Let's start at the beginning: how does fact-based marketing work in practice and where can it be more effective?
The current practice
In practice, it often happens that decisions are made based on gut feeling, experience, individual opinions or data from previous campaigns. Although this can certainly be valuable, it is far from watertight. It therefore often leads to varying results.
Future campaigns always have to deal with new moments, situations, contexts, ideas and/or content. As a result, data from previous campaigns does not always lead to the desired effect in the future.