In this screencast, I install the RSS Footer plugin and go over some of the settings. I also show how I configure my YARPP settings here in Theme Lab, as well as the option to display related posts in feeds.
Bonus: FeedBurner FeedFlare
FeedBurner FeedFlare is a service provided by, you guessed it, FeedBurner . If you’ve ever seen links like “Save this post to Delicious” or dynamic comment counts within feeds, this is how it’s done.
After setting up your FeedBurner feed , canada number list go to the “Optimize” tab in your account and activate FeedFlare . From here, there are a few “official” FeedFlares you can use.
Theme Lab Feed Flares
In Theme Lab, I use: Email This, Comment Count, and Save to Delicious, and also a couple custom ones with a link to my homepage and my Twitter . In retrospect, it might be better to link back to these two with the aforementioned RSS footer .
However, if you want to set up your own custom FeedFlare links like mine, what better way could there be than to look at the actual XML files that I use myself?
Theme Lab Twitter FeedFlare Link
Theme Lab Home FeedFlare Link
After you have modified the XML files for your own use (unless you want to have links back to me in each of your posts) simply upload them to your server and paste the URLs into the “Add New Flare” box.
Internal links
In addition to these techniques, which obviously make things much easier, it is also a good idea to include internal links within the posts themselves. You will notice that I do this quite a bit every time I publish a post.
You can also use a plugin like Internal Link Building (you have to subscribe to their RSS to download it) to automatically create links for certain keywords.
As always, use it sparingly .
I personally haven't used this before, but Tynt seems to come recommended when it comes to dealing with scratchers. If anyone has experience with this, I'd love to hear about it in the comments.
Now, I'm sure some people will disagree with me about my stance on scrapers. I hate plagiarism as much as the next person. What I mean is, instead of wasting your time fighting scrapers, why don't you create a YARPP, RSS footer, or other internal links and use them to your advantage?
I really don't think switching to excerpts is the solution , as opposed to full-content feeds. It might deter scrapers, but at the same time it will really annoy your RSS subscribers. What's more important?