Every blog requires maintenance. Most of the time you need to create great content, but you have to make time for the oil change.
Carlos Bravo25
Today started off very effectively for personal matters. I went to the dentist (everything was ok), to the hairdresser (he did what he could) and I changed the address of the car insurance. Thinking about the car I realized that it was time to change the oil again.
Change the oilPhoto rights by Fotolia
Now you can probably imagine how my daily routine inspires me to come up with new topics for the blog. Of course, the next thing I thought was: how long has it been since I last did any kind of maintenance for the blog? Since I always had people around me at the beginning of my blogging adventure who took care of things for me, I never had to do japanese phone number much of anything. Now that I'm alone, it's time for me to finally get my hands dirty... dirty, I mean.
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1 Minimize the risk of your blog being hacked
2 Improve your blog's SEO and avoid broken links
3 Update the content to make it relevant to your reader
4 Get a facelift at least every 4 years
Minimize the risk of your blog being hacked
The security of your blog should be a concern. It is not necessarily a strong point of WordPress but you can minimize it as long as you have the latest version installed. Also, do not make the mistake of performing updates in the first 24 hours after the new update is released because sometimes there are bugs and it is better for others to find out about them before you.
Improve your blog's SEO and avoid broken links
Blogs are born and die like flies. To reduce the risk of the same happening to you, make sure you have read “Blog-Up, advice from an online guerrilla” ( free of charge for blog subscribers ). The consequence is that websites you linked weeks or months ago cease to exist and you accumulate dead links. This is something that Google does not like very much and if it happens too often it can harm you. Google Webmaster Tools helps you detect these links so you can change them.