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As a politician you are immediately 6-0 behind

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:21 am
by arzina998
What comes to mind when you think of Jesse Klaver?
Then Jesse Klaver, see the word cloud below. By far the strongest association with him is 'young' and followed by 'ambitious', 'green', 'sympathetic', 'driven', 'innovative' and 'left' and more associations that are related to this. Knowing how negative the Dutch are about politicians, this is a network of associations that you can move forward with. Only Klaver is not nearly well-known enough. There are two that are much better known.

What is also striking about the word clouds of the other politicians is the solidity of Buma, that Pechtold is one of the few associated with a theme (education), that the strongest association with Asscher is 'PVDA' and that Roemer, like Klaver, is the only politician who also evokes very positive associations. Think of 'social', 'friendly', 'honest' and 'reliable'. Krol is the only one with a clear target group: the elderly. The other politicians studied stand out more in the run-up to the elections because of their unreliability.

We also see this negative image when we measure hotel contact database politicians on a number of values ​​that we think are relevant for a politician. Think of reliable, honest, progressive, social, connecting, straightforward and capable, see below. For the sake of clarity, we include the most positive and best-known politicians.

Scores of five politicians on seven (brand) values.

We see that only Klaver and Roemer score a pass on most values. Wilders and Rutte score a fail almost everywhere. The difference will be explained by some by government responsibility or not, but we will not venture to do that. What is also striking is that Wilders only scores a pass for 'straightforward' and Rutte for 'capable'. For the sake of clarity, we have left out five politicians: Asscher, Pechtold and Krol scored on average just like Buma. Kuzu and Simons scored lower than Wilders and Rutte.

We not only asked about the applicability to the politician in question, but also whether this is distinctive. It turns out that these are only distinctive for Klaver and Roemer. If you score a sufficient score on these values ​​as a politician, you are immediately distinctive in that! And if you score an insufficient score, we apparently find that normal.