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Avoid the 48-hour effect

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:26 am
by arzina998
5 tips for making employee advocacy successful
The experience gained in this first year of the program has given us a good idea of ​​what it takes to make employee advocacy successful. Here are 5 tips for setting up an employee advocacy program for your organization.

1. Provide a tailor-made program
How the program should be shaped exactly depends on the company strategy and the specific needs of the employees. Map this out prior to the program, by means of research. Take your time for this, it determines the success of your program.

To ensure that digital networking really becomes part of the daily work of employees, one session is not enough. Most social media workshops or training ensure that the enthusiasm and activity of participants is only short-lived. Then employees quickly return to their old way of working. If you want to achieve lasting results, behavioral change is necessary. And that pays off; almost everyone is very active after 2 months and continues to see the added value.

3. Sharing expertise
A pitfall is to have employees share only corporate messages. This creates transmission towers that do not add value. In this way, it is often seen as advertising and is less relevant and personal. It is more effective to have employees share messages from their own expertise and add value by means of a personal note.

4. Create ambassadors
By creating a prominent group of ambassadors hotel email address list from different teams, the online movement will spread like wildfire throughout the rest of the organization. The ambassadors help you to get the entire organization excited and active.

5. Look beyond a tool
Implementing a tool can help you accelerate the adoption of digital media within your organization, by easily delivering shareable content to employees. However, a tool alone will not ensure that employees embrace digital media in the long term and achieve results as described in this article. Make sure that employees do not become transmission towers for your corporate content, but help them to truly embrace digital media and use it structurally. A tool can help you with this, but do not underestimate the importance of training and coaching.

And you?
Are you working on employee advocacy within your organization? Then I am very curious about your experience and approach and I would like to read something about it in the comments.