Multi-channel phone number

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[email protected]
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Multi-channel phone number

Post by [email protected] »

How to buy a multi-channel number?
How to buy a multi-channel number?
How to choose a method for handling incoming calls?
What is a multi-line phone?
Comfortable for clients and profitable for the company
Multi-channel telephone number as a business tool
Service capabilities
A multi-channel telephone is the basis of a scalable communication system for a company. UIS offers to buy a multi-channel number for many regions of presence and use it regardless of the location and number of offices and branches.

How to choose a method for handling incoming calls?
If a company works with telephony in the old-fashioned way, there is no point in thinking about any methods of call processing other than the standard one - 1 number = 1 conversation, and no one else will get through. UIS virtual PBX allows you to set up any scenario for personalized customer service for clients contacting the company.

The call queue will help not to miss calls, even if all the company employees are busy talking. At the same time, the company's specialist will be able to choose the most convenient device for him at any given time to answer the request - a regular, mobile or IP phone. Which method of processing the company needs is obvious.

What is a multi-line phone?
This is the only possible way for a modern company to stay in touch with clients and partners. A large number of lines allows several employees to talk at the same time.

Even if all specialists are busy with a conversation, new calls to multi-channel numbers will not be lost. The virtual PBX will automatically place them in a queue, indicating the approximate time until the answer.

Multi-channel number scheme
A single number can be used in all advertising messages. And it does not matter at all whether it is just a multi-channel number 8 800 , a regular regional or mobile number, including from the category "Beautiful numbers".

Comfortable for clients and profitable for the company
The cost of UIS services starts from 590 rubles per month, this fee includes not only the multi-channel number service, but also the full functionality of the Virtual PBX. Choose a suitable tariff plan , rent the required number of city or mobile multi-channel numbers and start creating or upgrading telephone lines.

Connection of a multi-channel number is carried out within 1 day. There is no need for a technical specialist to visit, purchase additional equipment and lay telephone wires. And you can manage the processing of calls to multi-channel numbers through the web interface.

An additional convenience for UIS clients is that they receive a multi-channel mobile phone. Of course, mobility in this case implies the absence of a geographic reference. That is, a company located in the capital can easily connect multi-channel phones in St. Petersburg or any other region. The opposite is also true: you can open an office even in Samara, but use the multi-channel Moscow 495. And using a mobile virtual number will be useful in personal work with the client, including for a traveling employee.

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Multi-channel telephone number as a business tool
The phone may not be the only way to contact the company. In addition to it, you can install an online chat, request generator or callback service on the site. All tools are configured in a single Personal Account.

Regional affiliation can be any. You can use the multi-channel Moscow 495, having a representative office, say, in Novosibirsk, or open a single office in a remote region under a Moscow number.

It is enough to specify the logic of forwarding incoming calls, and none of them will be missed. UIS virtual PBX will help to make the number "all-encompassing": even if the company used old phones with a small channel, which it cannot yet refuse (for example, these numbers are still advertised in some source), it is only necessary to combine them into a group and specify for it its own forwarding rule to a virtual multi-channel number.

Call distribution among employees, groups or entire offices can be set depending on business tasks: sequentially (in a circle), in order of priority, in a specified percentage ratio, and so on.

Even if the working day is already over or today is a day off and there is no one at the office on the phone, the client's call will not be lost. Any incoming call will be automatically transferred to the mobile devices or landline devices of the company's employees and will definitely find an available employee. The office will always "work", and the client will not even guess that the specialist he is talking to is at home or stuck in a traffic jam.

And if you need the client to call his czech republic phone numbers manager right away, then here we will offer you a special type of numbers: mobile multi-channel.

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Service capabilities
The organization of virtual telephony will allow business to develop without fear:

problems with maintaining the number when changing the location of the office or opening a new branch;
that the company will miss out on potential customer requests that it has already spent money on attracting;
redesigning the entire communications infrastructure, which is entirely possible when using iron telephone exchanges or regular telephone lines;
that the price of services will increase disproportionately as the company grows.
Call us to learn more about the capabilities of the multi-line phone and other UIS business tools.

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