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Development with AI

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:29 am
by Sgfujfg
As the hemorrhage we have in Le groupe Cloud , artificial intelligence rises to DevOps at the same level and accelerates every time the life cycle of software is removed, reducing the need for human intervention.

Found that The Cloud Group has a large range of digital services moj database and products such as web design, software development , intelligent applications, online advertising and marketing, in addition to a large professional team that supports you in every step to log all of your objects. personals like entrepreneurs, if you are interested no dudes in Contact us through the channels available for this on our new website and we are waiting for work for you.

DevOps has been converted into a fundamental methodology for deploying software over the last few years, allowing you to resolve problems quickly and to realize cost reduction, which is essential for all business, which is what you have already done. among the practices and technologies that tend to a significant influence on the length of this year; As we see the main trends for 2023, we see a promising year in the growth of this camp.

What is DevOps?
It is a combination that arises from the union of English words Development (desarrollo) and Operations) operations that designate the union of people, processes or technology to offer value to clients in a permanent manner.

The DevOps team allows other roles (development, IT operations, quality and security engineering) to coordinate and collaborate on more reliable products. With the DevOps culture, our teams are able to better respond to customer requests.