Round corners whenever possible

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Round corners whenever possible

Post by samiul123 »

To emphasize friendliness and globality, use a circle. There are many examples - Burger King, Pepsi... In other words, companies aimed at the mass market and international activity. However, car companies especially like to use this figure - because of the association with the wheel.

10. To make the product seem closer to the user, place its image on the right. It is also important to remember the habit developed by reading - we read information from left to right.

An example of the use of this simple principle on the landing page for the medical equipment manufacturer SELVAS Healthcare .

11. Use the law of completion to create more attractive and memorable content. The essence of this law is as follows: when faced with something incomprehensible, our brain subconsciously tries to transform it into something familiar. For example, it draws missing links in images. If this works, then even endorphins, the so-called "hormones of joy", are released.

For example, this principle is used in the logo of the World Wildlife Fund.

We see a panda here, although the bear is not fully drawn.

Armed with the principles described in this material, as well as in the articles on fonts and color perception , let's take a closer look at the Marketing Up logo:

1. Why blue lettering? Blue is a color associated with professionalism, one of the most favorite colors among both men and women.

2. Why is italic font used? To convey the dynamics of our developing company with a young team.

3. Why are capital letters used in the descriptor (signature) under the company name? To add contrast to the company name, which is written in lowercase with a capital letter.

4. Why is the space between the letters in the DIGITAL AGENCY inscription so big? That's why the spacing in the capital letters looks impressive (and in the lowercase letters - pathetic).

5. Why did the dot above the letter i become a triangle? It adds us whatsapp number list upward movement, echoing the word "UP" and the overall concept of the logo - aspiration.


6. Why is this "triangular dot" red and not blue? To create unity of disparate objects. After all, the icon with the inscription UP is also red. Thanks to the red color of the "triangular dot" above the i, the logo is perceived as something whole.

7. Why is a sans serif font used? Sans serif fonts are perceived as more modern. This corresponds to the ideology of our digital agency, which follows current trends.

8. Why isn't the word Up completely circled in the red icon? Because, according to the principle of the law of image completion, you "finish drawing" the inscription in your mind. A simple but interesting effect. In addition, this makes the letters appear larger. For an icon that is often used in small sizes, this is important.

9. Why are the letters in the word Up stretched out up and down? Because the vertical and diagonal lines add dynamics.

10. Why use a combined logo — that is, one containing both text and an icon? The name of the company or brand is in most cases necessary in the logo. Only mastodons like Apple can limit themselves to graphic symbols. In turn, the icon can be used as a favicon, avatar in social networks, and so on.
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