Is your business international but you are not sure how to design marketing campaigns for multilingual websites?
So, read on...
It is no secret that we are in the era of content consumers and more and more people or users are rejecting invasive advertising that interrupts their activity.
Therefore, content marketing has become increasingly stronger and the dissemination of content is essential for brand positioning as well as a better way to attract customers.
Creating quality content for your target audience is the main purpose of this type of marketing, but it becomes more complicated and challenging when a brand must address people from different cultures in different languages.
It is not as simple as many may think, just launching an automatic translation program and expecting the message to be transmitted in the same way.
Although English remains the most widely used online language according to Statista , other languages are increasing at much faster rates, according to numbers provided by Internet World Stats .
Optimizing for organic positioning of a website that will be translated into several languages and whose Buyer Personas are located in different countries is different from optimizing any other site, perhaps local.
The web is the backbone of any international online strategy and, therefore, SEO must also be internationalized and the way to configure it and distribute multilingual content can cause many doubts.
Pay attention to this material and learn everything you need to know philippine area code about marketing campaigns for multilingual websites.
What is a multilingual website?
As the name suggests, a multilingual website is a website that has several languages available for reading.
As a business grows globally, it becomes necessary to offer content in one or more foreign languages to meet the needs of visitors from foreign markets.
Many of the world's leading companies have sites in multiple languages to serve a larger number of people from different markets.
It is up to each organization to decide whether to have a single multi-language website hosted on the same domain with different options or to choose a multi-regional website hosted on subdomains of the main domain, or even on separate domains.
This will depend on each organization's online strategy and overall business plans.
However, despite what one might think, a simple translation does not solve the whole issue, as translators often omit colloquialisms or common phrases used by native speakers of a particular language.
The opposite of this is a multilingual website that is designed to make an audience feel like they are reading something that has been written by a local person, making the brand perceived in a positive way by improving communication.
Is your site in multiple languages?
Learn how to manage a multilingual site
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