Over the past 5 years I have learned a lot about publishing content frequently. These are my most important blogging lessons.
Carlos Bravo9
To be successful as a blogger, you have to understand that everything starts with writing. If you don't publish, no one can read your blog, you won't get any visitors, no one will subscribe and you won't be able to achieve your goals. We agree, right?
frequent bloggingPhoto rights by Fotolia
Those who follow this blog know that I have been publishing daily for over 3 years. Instead of debating the quantity or quality of content, I see above all the personal benefit that comes with having developed this habit. This is a clearly selfish perspective. I ope that now that I have published almost 1,500 posts sharing my knowledge and reflections, it is not too disproportionate either…
Don't get me wrong. My goal is to always provide value with japan phone number list my daily posts. On an individual level this can vary a lot. With basic content I can teach a beginner a lot and relatively little to a more advanced blogger. My philosophy has always been that the more I write, the more feedback or criticism I receive, the more visibility I get and therefore ROK ( Return on Karma ) is increasingly important.
Contents [ disguise ]
1 How to develop a habit of posting regularly?
2 “You get there faster if you go alone, but further if you go with someone”
3 Set a goal that is achievable within 6-12 months
4 The recording of my webinar “How to write a post every day”
How to develop a habit of posting regularly?
Over the past few years, there has always been one recurring question. “How the hell do you manage to publish a post every day?” The answer is always the same. I don’t consider publishing as an option in case I find a slot. The post will come out “no matter what” regardless of the other obligations I have that day.
It's part of my daily routine like showering and brushing my teeth. You don't have to write it down on your to-do list because it's part of your daily routine. You don't question whether you're going to do it, you just do it .