Are you one of those people who needs a day with 60 hours? Do you get frustrated because you think you do little or you don't get where you had planned to get? In this article I give you a few tips that can help you improve your time management.
It is possible that occasionally (or in some cases frequently) you find yourself at the end of your work or study day in a state of despair thinking that you have not managed to do part or anything of what you had originally planned to do. Obviously, in this situation there are two options: do nothing (and this option can be embellished with complaints, regrets, anger or frustration) or consider doing something to improve your daily results. Put like that, it seems easy to improve, right? Well, it is.
The first thing you should keep in mind is that managing your time involves managing your personal circumstances, which are not those of other people. Sometimes we look at people who are more or less close to us who manage to get where we don't. But that shouldn't frustrate us, but rather we should investigate what their strategies or tricks are to achieve that productivity.
We must also bear in mind that a large task can always be divided into phases or stages, and if we see it this way it will always be easier to think that we can achieve it. I know many ordinary people who have managed to carry out almost incredible projects, progressing in small activities over time.
However, there are a number of habits that, regardless of your circumstances, challenges and emotions, can help you improve your time management. I will detail them below.
Use a diary (paper or electronic)
Set aside some time each week to break down your projects into stages or kuwait whatsapp numbers activities that you can complete on a daily basis, taking into account the time you have available. You may not be able to complete them at first, or you may encounter unexpected events that prevent you from carrying out your initial planning. That's okay; readjust your schedule until you manage to complete the daily tasks you set out to do.
Limit the time spent on emails and calls
Set aside a specific, limited time each day to answer emails, phone calls, or social media or WhatsApp messages. Don't do it outside of those hours. This will help you avoid interruptions at other times of the day and, by concentrating, you will achieve better results in the activities scheduled for those times. It is best to do it before lunch, dinner or leaving work. This way, it will be easier to finish these activities without getting carried away.
Organize yourself effectively to achieve proper time management
Classify your tasks
Do it in: Urgent tasks, important tasks, and tasks that are neither urgent nor important. Always do it at the beginning of the day. Try to give priority to urgent tasks and dedicate time each day to tasks that are not urgent but are important. Whenever possible, try to get other people to help you do tasks that are neither urgent nor important.
Take time to rest after each task
Do what really allows you to disconnect (go for a walk, have a coffee, watch a video, read, etc.) but try to limit your rest times and try to keep them at the same times. This will help you get used to more effective rest and work times.
Whenever possible, use public transport
This time can be used to plan the day, respond to clients, colleagues or friends, or perhaps study or review a particular topic or subject, even taking advantage of waiting time.
Improve your diet
Although it may seem a bit cliché to avoid high-fat or high-calorie foods, alcohol and too much caffeine, as well as doing some exercise every day and laughing, it will also help you manage your time better. All of this can help us rest and sleep better and thus help us concentrate more on the activities at hand and move faster.
Evaluate your organization
It is also necessary to periodically evaluate our time management, taking into account not only the moments in which we may have failed or not reached the planned objectives, but also the achievements obtained and any improvements we have been able to make; avoiding falling into catastrophism or, on the contrary, being too complacent with our work. This review should serve above all to adjust the strategies that have not been able to serve us on this path and reinforcing those that have.
Although it may be difficult to make progress, being patient and persevering can help us to complete any activity in the right time, not only on a professional level but also on a personal level.