The dissolution must be reported to the public body where the incorporation was registered and Form 036 must also be submitted to the Tax Agency . Even when there are more members who continue with the company, the modification of the company must be recorded in a document signed by all.
Apart from this, it is necessary to see if there are debts or obligations or if there are assets to be distributed , which means that a simple waiver recorded in writing is not viable.
when the company phone number in united kingdom has been inactive for some time and one of the partners has disappeared. In these cases, the most appropriate thing to do is to go to court so that the judge can decide on the dissolution. In this way, we will have a document that we can use to prove to the administration that we are no longer part of the entity in terms of income attribution.
Since civil companies have been taxed as corporations since 1 January 2016 , all those who find themselves in this situation must try to resolve it before 30 June. Otherwise, they will have to face new tax obligations or face penalties.